Thursday, October 13, 2011

Am I Seeing Double?

Hello hair enthusiasts!

I'm wondering if any of you out there have ever matched hair colors with a friend?

My best friend Stephanie used to have dark hair. I always thought we looked so sharp and complementary in pictures together! 

Well recently, she dyed her hair a light blonde color...basically the same as mine.

We've never looked alike in the past, but we do now! Our eyes match as well; so we almost look like we could be sisters!

Now let me just say, I'm not the type of person who gets mad or jealous if a friend has the same outfit, hairstyle, hair color or anything under the generic category of “beauty and fashion.” I grew up with two sisters, and we currently wear the same sizes in clothing and shoes. I'm used to sharing.

Besides, I think it's a great idea for friends, sisters, roommates, co-workers, etc. to get creative and inspire fashion decisions. Stinginess is limiting. That's my take on that!

But I know others out there feel differently. I've known girls to be territorial over their looks and act as if their personal style is trademarked.

So how do you fabulous females feel about hanging out with girls who match your look in some capacity? Do you feel threatened if a friend copies your hair color? Or... is it flattering to your sense of style?

Leave comments below!



Just for fun, I had to embarrass myself and show this picture.  This is the epitome of a  "twin" friendship.  In college, my roomie and I realized we had the same unusual shirt with an acorn pattern.  We thought it would be hilarious to wear this to the dining hall...and it certainly was.  Lots of stares!   Don't judge is!  This was back in 2007 when baby doll shirts were very "in."  GOOD TIMES! :D  Birds of a feather flock together!


  1. Cute. I definitely don't mind what my friend wears or what color their hair is. I'm not competetive in that way with friends!

  2. Amen sista! ;) In my opinion, fashionistas should spread the beauty wealth! That's why I love reading your blog!
